InkE Lecture Series: Sex, Gender, and Health, Part 1: Prevention

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Internal InkE workshop on ‘Gender, Sex, and Intersectionality: Basic Principles of Gender Studies’

To kick off the InkE workshop series ‘Gender Aspects in Research’, Dr. habil. Heide Volkening and Dr. Jenny Linek from the IZfG will present the basics of gender research to the InkE Team in a three-hour event on 21 November 2024. In the further course of the InkE project, gender competencies are to be conveyed to researchers from UMG and UG as part of the lecture series.

Inclusive Excellence (InkE) in Medicine

Gender Aspects in Medical Research

Head: Prof. Dr Sylvia Stracke, acting Head of Internal Medicine A., Head of Nephrology, Deputy Gender Equality Officer, University Medicine Greifswald


Gender aspects are omnipresent in medicine and play a crucial role in understanding diseases, diagnostics and treatment. However, medical research continues to pay insufficient attention to this important aspect.

Researchers at the University of Greifswald and University Medicine Greifswald aim to raise awareness of gender aspects in medical research, particularly sensitising early-career academics to this issue.

Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Stracke, the project "Inclusive Excellence in Medicine" (InkE) involves various stakeholders from University Medicine Greifswald (Department of Internal Medicine A, Medical Informatics, Medical Psychology, Department of Neurology, Department of Trauma Surgery, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dermatology, Medical Informatics Laboratory) and the University of Greifswald (Graduate Academy, Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (IZfG), Gender Equality Officer, Department of British and North American Studies, Department of History, Department of German Philology). InkE is being funded by the BMBF with a total of 1.5 million euros over a five-year period.


Lead contact: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Stracke, acting Head of Internal Medicine A, Head of Nephrology, Deputy Gender Equality Officer, University Medicine Greifswald, Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße, 17475 Greifswald,, Tel.: +49 3834 86 80752.


Persons involved at University Medicine Greifswald:

Hilke Beelich, medical documentalist; Medical Informatics Laboratory (MILA)

Prof. Dr. phil. Corinna Bergelt, Director of the Institute of Medical Psychology

Prof. Dr Agnes Flöel, Vice-Dean for Research, Director of the Department of Neurology

Dr. Elpiniki Katsari, cardiac surgeon, surgeon, gender medicine specialist DGesGM e.V., Department of Trauma Surgery

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Elke Krüger, Vice-Dean for the Promotion of Young Researchers, Director of the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Stine Lutze, acting Head of the Department of Dermatology. Head of the Clinic for Dermatology

Deputy Gender Equality Officer Prof. Sylvia Stracke, Dr. med. Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine A, Head of Nephrology

Dr Philipp Töpfer, InkE project coordinator during the concept phase; research assistant at the Institute of Medical Psychology.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dagmar Waltemath, Head of the Data Integration Centre, Head of the Department of Medical Informatics


Persons involved at the University of Greifswald:

Dr. Jenny Linek, research assistant at the Department of History/the IZfG in the InkE project, medical historian

Prof. Dr. phil. Annelie Ramsbrock, Pro-Rector for Staff Development, Organisation and Diversity, Chair of Contemporary History, Department of History, IZfG Board Member

Hanne Roth, M.A., research associate at the Graduate Academy. Graduate Academy staff member in the InkE project

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schöner, Co-Head of Centre for Academic and Digital Skills, Head of Graduate Academy and University Didactics

Ruth Terodde, Central Gender Equality Officer

Dr. habil. Heide Volkening, Department of German Philology, Spokesperson of the Board IZfG


Click here [de] for the press release.

Click here [de] for the report of the Kick Off event.